Legal Notice

German-American Society of Celle e.V.

Our association was established in November 1999 and is economically, politically, and religiously independent. We pursue solely and directly charitable purposes.

Chairman: Jannis Timm

Deputy Chairwoman: Linda Anne Engelhardt

Other Board Members:

Secretary: Peter-H. Holm
Treasurer: Dirk Heindorff
Board Members: Anita Gödiker, Susanne Reinike-Jungclaus

Mailing Address:
Jannis Timm
Lüneburger Straße 65
29223 Celle

Phone: +49 (0)160 96519289


Liability Disclaimer

According to § 5 Abs.1 TDG, we are solely responsible for our own content. For links to external content provided by third-party suppliers, we are responsible according to § 5 Abs.2 TDG only if we become aware of any illegal or criminal content and if it is technically possible and reasonable for us to prevent the use of such content. We are also not obligated to periodically check the content of third-party offerings for their legality or criminality. As soon as we become aware of any illegal content on third-party websites, the corresponding link will be removed from our site. Furthermore, we explicitly emphasize that we have no influence over the design and content of linked pages. Therefore, we hereby expressly distance ourselves from all content of all linked pages on the entire website, including all subpages. This statement applies to all links placed on our homepage and to all content of pages to which links or banners lead. If any content of these internet offerings violates applicable copyright or trademark law, such content will be removed promptly upon notification.

Layout and Technical Responsibility for Website Functionality: Anita Gödiker
